I'm an eighty eight born child with no talent except for talking shit and crapping all day long... i believe in fate and effort but still no change much happen in me life... bone thug and harmony at the same time and live me life to the fullest as Affeni Shakur once said after the great Pac dead... Bored with city life and prefer nature as i'm gettin older and seen things like wankstas and young sluts goes to club just to impress, not to feel the musics like i use to do it... dance!! fuck it if people says i dance like shit... if you're a good one, you don't even have time to watch me dancin bitch!! haha... lie and lies is the life of people today and i'm trying to get rid of it.... hypocrisy as people think they innocent while no one is like Prophet Muhammad... the truth is u're ugly frog from the pile of shit... Good precious lord for the life i've given and the family which is me life, mess with em' u're mess wit me... i'm a bustin your ass out homie!!! loved one is always in my mind... u make me stronger every single day to live on this filthy planet fill with lust and vengeance... smile with anger and cried for foolish... but still, earth is where i step on and no way i'm gonna give up living on it... i'm a grown man
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