No no no no no no... HELL NO! I'm not writing about lying on relationship, because you can read it everyday at facebook's status updates... which in break up season, you might see tons of them. I would like to write about lying in generally... such as "I'm ugly" but you have more than 100 photos with different pose in your photo album called "me", "I'm from a poor family" but your parent drive a Beemers or Merc or "I'm freaking rich" but you're not. Well that a few examples i can think of... it would take me a year or more just to write about lying examples.
So... why do people lie? is it because it will make your life easier? look better? impressive? for what ever reason it is, everyone have their own... it might be complicated but lying is lying. But sometime people divide lies into a few type, and that including "white lie" which defy minor lies which could be considered to be harmless, or even beneficial, in the long term. White lies are also considered to be used for greater good. A common version of a white lie is to tell only part of the truth, therefore not be suspected of lying, yet also conceal something else, in order to avoid awkward questions.
Or even "big lie"which might mean a lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something major which will likely be contradicted by some information the victim already possesses, or by their common sense. When the lie is of sufficient magnitude it may succeed due to the victim's reluctance to believe that an untruth on such a grand scale would indeed be concocted.
For me lie is a lie, and i still believe that lying is needed some part on our life such as if we have a friend who tell a lame jokes... how should we react? A. yell "BOO" B.fake small laugh C.tell them the truth "dude, your jokes sucks!" D.just nod and smile a little... which one are you? I'm not gonna lie this time... my answer is B (teehehe....)
And how do define the truth? how can we sure it is the truth? a fact? how? how? does it mean every statements or every detail or every words must have the witness, proof, evidence? is it? is it? well for some individual... they don't really trust in the system, if he/she want to believe, he/she believe! (and to be worst, he/she declare it is a fact!(by him/herself))... but for me, if i wanna be sure of something i'll ask from different source and make judgement of myself and keep it to myself or few people who i can talk to... because not every sharing is caring, it might lead to fighting (trust me... hahahaha)
Well... that is what i can thought about lying... i know it might not have sense but i just love to write in my blog... but i have to be careful since my sense of jokes, thinking is different sometimes... yeepi kay yay m*****f****r!! (^^)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
love ain't easy
L.O.V.E. for some, maybe means Legs Open Very Easy, but for me love is wide open... much more than spread eagle... love your mom, love your dad, love your siblings, love your girl, love your man bla bla bla... but to be more specific today, i'd like to write more about love your girl since i'm a B=====D
I've been in a few relationships.. failed one! well most of them because of me... i'm easily attracted to female but hardly to stick my feeling just to one (yet)... it doesn't mean i had multi-relationship at one time but i'm easily bored with the one i already had, some said "you haven't met The One yet" some said "you're a fucking player" and teeny tiny said "you'll get paid for heart you've broke" the last one seems funny to me.
But, when you're single... u'll see being in a couple is better than single (sometime)... you know the sweet words, the care, the hugs and kisses, and sometime i do miss non stop texts on my phone, the fights, the sex, the jealousy... it all came to me sometime! well who doesn't?
And lately, people around me and around my age are married one by one... but is that mean my thought about marriage is different? hell no! for me marriage is way way way way in the future since my future seems a little dim right now (well i'm a part time worker at 7Eleven and still working on my diploma.. whutdayathink?) and when it is my time, it's not just economically, but mentally and physically... it's not that i'm impotent or mentally sick but i would like to see the world before mine is end (;p) and "see the world" does not mean i would like to sleep around... i mean real world... go to a nice beach, back-packing around Europe... (damn i got long list)
Failed relationships, rejections made me realized 4 things most girls wanted her man to be/provide:
1. A Dog to follow her order
2. A Tiger in bed
3. A Jaguar(optional) in her garage
4. A Jackass who paid her bills
(if u hate these, think i'm joking... if u don't mind at all, i'm heck serious)
I've been in a few relationships.. failed one! well most of them because of me... i'm easily attracted to female but hardly to stick my feeling just to one (yet)... it doesn't mean i had multi-relationship at one time but i'm easily bored with the one i already had, some said "you haven't met The One yet" some said "you're a fucking player" and teeny tiny said "you'll get paid for heart you've broke" the last one seems funny to me.
But, when you're single... u'll see being in a couple is better than single (sometime)... you know the sweet words, the care, the hugs and kisses, and sometime i do miss non stop texts on my phone, the fights, the sex, the jealousy... it all came to me sometime! well who doesn't?
And lately, people around me and around my age are married one by one... but is that mean my thought about marriage is different? hell no! for me marriage is way way way way in the future since my future seems a little dim right now (well i'm a part time worker at 7Eleven and still working on my diploma.. whutdayathink?) and when it is my time, it's not just economically, but mentally and physically... it's not that i'm impotent or mentally sick but i would like to see the world before mine is end (;p) and "see the world" does not mean i would like to sleep around... i mean real world... go to a nice beach, back-packing around Europe... (damn i got long list)
Failed relationships, rejections made me realized 4 things most girls wanted her man to be/provide:
1. A Dog to follow her order
2. A Tiger in bed
3. A Jaguar(optional) in her garage
4. A Jackass who paid her bills
(if u hate these, think i'm joking... if u don't mind at all, i'm heck serious)
So, you think love is easy? think (1/2x +1/2(1/2x + 1/2(1/2x +1/2(1/2x + ... = y)
easy? if yes than you're ready for love (haha...)
my point is if you're not ready for love, don't push it... love will come to you... just need to wake up and smell what's cooking.
(i know my post is a crap one...judge me)
my point is if you're not ready for love, don't push it... love will come to you... just need to wake up and smell what's cooking.
(i know my post is a crap one...judge me)
Monday, August 22, 2011
there always a 1st time in everything
I like to treat my blog as my diary, and i love to write about what i saw, feels, heard, touch and smell... and today, new stuff going on with my life... i'm student/part time 7E worker (lolz)... pretty excited though but the slightly part of me said... just go to sleep as rain was pouring and it is heaven on earth to sleep now... 79'F is very2 good for morning sleep!
But, if i didn't take my step now... i'll be forever asking money from my dad and as some reader may know, i'm not from a rich family so i have to earn money on my own to achieve what i want in life... for now, i want to buy a car and blackberry phone. And hopefully i can fulfill my wishes on end of this year.
It's not that i've never been employed before, but when it come on student/worker... it's a 1st time on my life... i don't know if I can hold it but if other people can do Masters or Degree while they're study... why not me the diploma student? plus i have to do it because i've spent so much time enjoying and wasting my parents money and now, they can't afford to support me anymore.
So... this is my 1st step on making a big leap towards better future, and I'll pray for me a very good luck and may Allah kept me stronger inside... peace, love and harmony
But, if i didn't take my step now... i'll be forever asking money from my dad and as some reader may know, i'm not from a rich family so i have to earn money on my own to achieve what i want in life... for now, i want to buy a car and blackberry phone. And hopefully i can fulfill my wishes on end of this year.
It's not that i've never been employed before, but when it come on student/worker... it's a 1st time on my life... i don't know if I can hold it but if other people can do Masters or Degree while they're study... why not me the diploma student? plus i have to do it because i've spent so much time enjoying and wasting my parents money and now, they can't afford to support me anymore.
So... this is my 1st step on making a big leap towards better future, and I'll pray for me a very good luck and may Allah kept me stronger inside... peace, love and harmony
Sunday, July 17, 2011
GGMU my ass!

yeap on last 14th and 16th of july, my favorite team Liverpool FC has arrive in KL which is i would never missed it of course! the training was cool and the game was awesome! bla bla bla... Liverpool won 6 - 3 against Malaysia national team and bla bla bla... Malaysia national team played so well and made Liverpool players kinda lose control for few minutes and i cheered for both teams.
But why do MU fans make a big deal of an Indian guy who forced to change his jersey? i mean come on bitches! hes still alive and in a pink of health (i think)... it's like challenging or"bakar line" on Liverpool's fans... since he knew MU and Liverpool are damn tight rivals in Malaysia.. why bother come in MU's jersey? maybe he want to see what thousands fans would do if he came in Red Devil's jersey... it's like when they won the 19th EPL's champ, MU's fans can walking tall and others will bow down? What the FFFfiisssshhh homies... think twice maybe trice...
i saw Chelsea's and Arsenal's fans during training but none were bothered by LFC's fans since others may not rude like MU's fans... "Mancheshit Unitaik" fans were cocky,ego but yet so freakin sensitives. It's like MU are their religion, trust me... i know few MU's fans and they were so happy when booing my team... and when i booed them... guest what? emotional! (lol)
grow up bitches... Rooney didn't even know who u are!
p/s pandai cas/kutuk/bahan/menganjing/prank/jackass tp x boleh terima bile kne balik... apakah??
this video is what i'm talkin about ""
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Shah Alam City... weii, da taraf bandaraya kot! Izinkan aku explain dengan lebih lanjut... aku x pernah bersikap "semangat kenegerian" sebab aku suka merantau ke negeri2 orang lain, lagi best kalau dapat merantau negara orang lak... tapi incident paling best aku dengar baru2 ni... budak selangor kene libas dengan kayu golf kat extreme park, seksyen 13, Shah Alam...
Bile aku dengar cerita tu... tiba2 aku rasa darah aku mendidih kaw2 sebab kalau dalam negeri Selangor dah x selamat nak sokong pasukan negeri Selangor/pakai jersey Selangor... memang susah ar nak cerita... oh ye! aku x bgtau lg budak negeri mane yg bantai budak tu.... budak mane lagi, Kelantan ar! dari aku kecik smpai aku dah besar camni... aku dengar mcm2 cerita yg x best pasal bdk2 dari2 negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang ni... hari tu Kelantan menang besar kot... yg nak power sgt dok bantai2 budak negeri gua ape kes??
Bile isu bakar bendera negeri, tau lak marah/meradang/panas... padahal yang rakyat2 negeri Kelantan selalu buat hal dlm negeri2 lain xde hal lak? sama2 satu negara kot... hormat sket orang lain, x kesah ar asal negeri mana pun... jangan la jd mcm keropok lekor bawah tempurung! not good ar cibai! hahahaha
Friday, May 6, 2011
Playa talks.. hehe
5 Important Qualities to have in your women;
1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home,
who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.
3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be
with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Abu to Ash... Bakar to Burn
"Oh hello... my name Armand Miguel Angel Torrorosso... or you can call me AMAT... or MAT for short..."
(get to the point man..)
it's about name... your real name! didn't u know some parents found trouble in giving u name and no matter how ugly your name is... use it or let people know when they ask... some girls hide their real name for what? i understand when it comes on social network like facebook, myspace, tagged or stuffs but when in real communication please introduce yourself to real world... what the heck are you trying to hide?
Sometimes it's cool having nickname cause i even have one... well not just one... few actually (hehe) but forget bout me since this is not my diary, it's about public and it content should be general and generous i mean really generous!! hahahaha...
It almost pathetic to see some people with this f**kin lame thoughts of hiding their real names... it proves u only had a teeny tiny minded from stone age... pity on you... yeah! i know... whats my problem with that? it's ur body, ur soul, ur name, suit urself... but remember... this is my blog so i can write what ever i want to... hahaha the world is fair right?
pardon me if my writting sucks day by day but... i'm no pro writer and neither were you... hahaha... let me summarized it for those who are as fast as dying snails... it's fine for having a nickname, people called u by ur nick names, u use "classy" names on fb/myspace/twitter but it sucks to hide your real name and ashamed for the name you parents gave you...
peace need war, war need peace... salam!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mouth vs Hand
Yabba.. yabba... yabba.... thats what voices like when it came from blabber mouths i've known, blaming, gossiping, lying, make up stories and stuffs... my point is, what the fuck did you want in this short life? if life was damn perfect, what do the point of living anymore? wheres the excitement in facing trouble, tough time, and problems no matter teeny tiny or heavenly giant they are.
Blaming part... most of em' are nothing but bullshit! e.g "government are nothing but corruption..." so can u do anything about that? you can post it on facebook, shout it out on hill, or small talk on chill out time but can you really do anything about it? i don't think so brothers and sisters, since you just the 'humble' citizens, all you can do is talk... (see my point?) well if u want to do something about it, try be a politician then... who would knew you can change the system according to you... but remember!! there will be somebody will not agree with your action!! and i believe when the peoples you currently said are corrupted were once at your place talking the same stuff like you do, well if you're slow... money can blind you!! <-- e.g of blaming bcause blaming other is way easier than blame your self
Gossiping... not much of a comment because i did this too sometimes, but i guess its for blow off some steam on my head during to dissatisfied feeling against some person, but i won't share it with some new fellas i've rarely know in case of trust and i don't want new person have bad perspective against person that i gossiped about... i've trusted very few person to talk about my opinions and bad thoughts against others... if my gossip buddy think otherwise, he/she will give advices to me on how my thought was wrong and i'll change it then... if he/she feels the same... then the gossip continues... hehehe i know, discussing about other people is small minded thinking, but can't help it though... ;P
Lying/Made up stories.... this one totally sucks my life energy away, because i have to pretend to hear it with excites while i'm suffering in my black heart like "can he sees that i fake listening to him?"... in order to keep a friend happy, i'll listen to your made up stories... but too much and i'll started bored and end up making fun of your stories... e.g. "last night i got so busted drinking 3-4 carts of beer"- dude, i know your limits of drinking we used to drink together aite'! hahaha.... some pathetic made up stories happen when they don't know what to talk about and just... made anything up so they could joint current conversations...
I can't think of anything else... it's 9.07 am and i still didn't sleep so my conclusion is... talking is easier than practice it... although only the blaming part touch the "practicing" part and the rest is about talking and talking and talking again and again and again... who care? i'm not a professional writer either and my blog is for the sake of my own fun, if any of you had fun reading it... thank God u're understand it :) thank you very much
berfikir guna spender
Kau dan karma kau.... semak telinga aku dengar, walaupun karma itu wujud dan lebih baik disebut dengan qada' dan qadar... kau membuatkan karma tu bunyi macam "taik" sebabkan becoknye mulut kau... kau nak salahkan orang keliling, takdir, kawan-kawan padahal sikap/perangai/dirikau/ayat2 yang keluar dari mulut kau yang membuat orang hilang minat nak teruskan berkawan dengan kau wahai manusia...
Kalau benar kau percaya akan karma, kenapa kau yang asyik terima nasib buruk (bak kata kau la an an an) tolong lah sedar hakikat dan berubah kepada yg lebih baik, aku dah bosan dengan complain kau yg x habis2 salahkan orang lain, orang lain la jahat, kuat hasut supaya orang x nak kawan dengan kau, orang ni teruk mainkan perasaan pe lanc**, sudah2 la... bangun dari wayang kau yang mana dalamnya, watak kau sungguh innocent.
Kau x sedar orang keliling kau dah malas nak layan kau, tapi kau still tanya "apa salah aku?", adalah lebih baik aku simpan dari aku luahkan sebab takut kau x boleh terima ye... ataupun berkemungkinan kau akan rasa apa yang diluahkan oleh aku tu sekadar kritikan x membina dan kau akan salahkan aku balik mcm biasa...
Benar kata orang kalau nak berkawan, terimalah kawan anda seaadanya... so kau kena terima gak la yang kawan2 kau dah tak boleh terima perangai kau tu... ada paham?? harap2 la kau terima dengan hati yang terkopak sebab kalau nak harap kau terima dengan hati yang terbuka takut kau buka hati kau kecik je... kalau terkopak harap2 besar la terkopak so boleh terima dengan banyak ye...
harap maaf meluahkan apa yang aku nak...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A woman was in town on a shopping trip. She found the most perfect shoes in the first shop, and a beautiful dress in the second. She had just entered the third shop where everything had just been reduced fifty percent when her mobile phone rang. It was a female doctor notifying her that her husband had just been in a terrible car accident and was in critical condition in the ICU. The woman told the doctor to tell her husband that she'd be there as soon as possible. When she hung up, she realized she was leaving what was shaping up to be her best day ever shopping in these boutiques, so she decided to just look in two or three more before heading to the hospital. Anyhow, she ended up shopping the rest of the morning, finishing her trip with a cup of coffee and a beautiful chocolate cake compliments of the last shop. She was jubilant. Then she remembered her husband. Feeling guilty, she dashed to the hospital. She saw the doctor in the corridor and asked about her husband's condition. The lady doctor glared at her and shouted, "You went ahead and finished your shopping trip didn't you? I hope you're proud of yourself! While you were out for the past four hours enjoying yourself shopping, your husband has been languishing in the Intensive Care Unit! It's just as well you went ahead and finished, because it's likely be the last shopping trip you will ever make! For the rest of his life he will require round-the-clock care. And he will now be your responsibility!" T he woman felt so guilty she broke down and cried and cried. The lady doctor then laughed and said, "I'm just pulling your leg. He's dead. Show me what you bought.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
thousands apologizes
Whut the fffffffish???! i got so much things to write about yet it make me stuck on where to start... teehehehe
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