yeap on last 14th and 16th of july, my favorite team Liverpool FC has arrive in KL which is i would never missed it of course! the training was cool and the game was awesome! bla bla bla... Liverpool won 6 - 3 against Malaysia national team and bla bla bla... Malaysia national team played so well and made Liverpool players kinda lose control for few minutes and i cheered for both teams.
But why do MU fans make a big deal of an Indian guy who forced to change his jersey? i mean come on bitches! hes still alive and in a pink of health (i think)... it's like challenging or"bakar line" on Liverpool's fans... since he knew MU and Liverpool are damn tight rivals in Malaysia.. why bother come in MU's jersey? maybe he want to see what thousands fans would do if he came in Red Devil's jersey... it's like when they won the 19th EPL's champ, MU's fans can walking tall and others will bow down? What the FFFfiisssshhh homies... think twice maybe trice...
i saw Chelsea's and Arsenal's fans during training but none were bothered by LFC's fans since others may not rude like MU's fans... "Mancheshit Unitaik" fans were cocky,ego but yet so freakin sensitives. It's like MU are their religion, trust me... i know few MU's fans and they were so happy when booing my team... and when i booed them... guest what? emotional! (lol)
grow up bitches... Rooney didn't even know who u are!
p/s pandai cas/kutuk/bahan/menganjing/prank/jackass tp x boleh terima bile kne balik... apakah??
this video is what i'm talkin about "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0dcdoU51rk&feature=player_embedded"
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