Wow... terkejutnye saye(walaupun x brape heran pun dan teruja pun ade tgk) apabila seorang gadis berbangsa melayu duduk dikerusi kedai mamak memakai skirt dan duduk mengalahkan seorang lelaki, mendedahkan yang sepatutnya disimpan... (*_*) rambang mata gak la bila aku tengok hal macam tu... yela sebagai sorang lelaki aku mngambil kesempatan gak menjamu mata tapi x lama la (serious!!!) depan kwn2 aku nampak mcm seronok menonton "free show" tapi dalam hati aku terasa gak sikit yang anak bangsa aku jadi macam ni... murah dan mudah! aku mengaku aku pun memang nakal sikit ngan gadis-gadis nih tapi x la merosakkan sesape yg masih elok, sebab kalau dah rosak memang konfem aku 'overhaul' bak ayat sorang member aku hehehe...
beginilah keadaan budak2 melayu terutamanya (bangsa lain aku x heran pun) yang nak jadi samseng taik anjing, nak jadi perempuan murahan, kalau boleh nak jadi mat salleh yg dah sah-sah berniat nak jahanamkan Islam... kalau benar apa yang aku nampak, memang apa yang 'free mason' dan yahudi lakhnat rancangkan memang menjadi lah... dengan arak, seks, dadah... maka musnahlah sesebuah bangsa dan agamanya... pasal akidah, aku x berani cerita sebab aku bkn insan mulia apatah lagi nak mengaku tentera fissabilillah...
mudah-mudahan mereka yang tersesat akan menemui semula jalan yang benar, dan aku tujukan untuk aku gak yang sememangnya masih mencari-cari jalan pulang setelah jauh tersasar dari landasan... amin
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
to her...
How glad the many millions of annabelles and lillians
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance
I fell and it was swell
Im your big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
Its not that you're attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
Ive got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I have got a crush on you
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage
That we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance
I fell and it was swell
Im your big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
Its not that you're attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
Ive got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I have got a crush on you
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage
That we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you
Saturday, May 8, 2010
You lookin' good... (omg!!! what should i say? what should i say?)
If you dated someone or still dating, you'll know sometimes you're out of topic to to talk to him/her.. and might end up with another failure or you'll be labeled as another typical guy/girl or even worse... you are a BORING person and end up being a friend, i did not say or even try to say I'm the pro here because this is usually happens (believe me!) to me from time to time but people learn from mistakes... did you?
First thing first! make sure you really like this girl/guy to make sure the effort you're about to make, if you just want to showed off, it might end up with you acting like a jerk in front of him/her and the person you want to showing off to. Realize the "how much i want him/her" as a measurement as wise man said, "wheres a want, there is a will"... there is you go... the first step!
I know... i know.. what is the purpose of last paragraph if I'm gonna talk about topics on a dating, but if you are wise enough... the wanting effects the will because to ask a girl/guy out is hard enough, what else? to find a topic to talk? Its all shown in body language and this is freaking important because 50% of communication constitute from body language! It'll show how much you like the person you dating, if you're uncomfortable with him/her, or if you just want to get laid (hooorraaahhh!!!)
Understand? (hope you do ;))
Topics..... Urghh! Commons are 1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2.What do you do for a living? 3.What's your favorite song? and so on... I'm not saying these are useless.. its important unless you dated a whore and just want to get laid, what i mean is you need is killer topics to make him/her look at you and said "this one no boring person" or "he/she is cool" try talk about your hypothetical, such as "what would you do if you won a million dollar"... or "If they could date any of celebrities" play a little game with him/her... make it interesting! asking for favorites is great too but they tend to be on earlier, before you ask them for a date... you know common way before you ask people out here... facebook, myspace, friends of a friend... I'm not saying that is the way, but I'm talking about here, our country, my country :)
Why don't you try impress him/her a little bit with sharing your ambitions and goals, but not too much because it might show you're nothing but a dreamer and showed off or even a liar! Try this "I'm thinking about do some business, a restaurant maybe" make it sounds nice and not cocky! don't try "I'm thinking about do some business, a multimillion dollar empire maybe" while you can't even afford to but a C class Mercedes... make it logical buddy!
Don't forget to make some jokes... not too much... how do you know to tell the right amount of jokes? its up to you buddy! girls do tend to like guys with jokes and so do guys like girls with jokes... but like i said... beware... too much jokes and you'll become friends not potentials aite!
The rest it should come naturally! trust me because the moment you started to feel comfortable with him/her, you'll realized what him/her really interest in... if she/he is a gold digger, you will know... but beware of tricks under sleeves as nowadays most people are exposed to dating and flirting tips... What i gave in this post might be useful or useless and i totally write it from out of my mind! sorry if u find this is nothing but full of crap peace!
First thing first! make sure you really like this girl/guy to make sure the effort you're about to make, if you just want to showed off, it might end up with you acting like a jerk in front of him/her and the person you want to showing off to. Realize the "how much i want him/her" as a measurement as wise man said, "wheres a want, there is a will"... there is you go... the first step!
I know... i know.. what is the purpose of last paragraph if I'm gonna talk about topics on a dating, but if you are wise enough... the wanting effects the will because to ask a girl/guy out is hard enough, what else? to find a topic to talk? Its all shown in body language and this is freaking important because 50% of communication constitute from body language! It'll show how much you like the person you dating, if you're uncomfortable with him/her, or if you just want to get laid (hooorraaahhh!!!)
Understand? (hope you do ;))
Topics..... Urghh! Commons are 1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2.What do you do for a living? 3.What's your favorite song? and so on... I'm not saying these are useless.. its important unless you dated a whore and just want to get laid, what i mean is you need is killer topics to make him/her look at you and said "this one no boring person" or "he/she is cool" try talk about your hypothetical, such as "what would you do if you won a million dollar"... or "If they could date any of celebrities" play a little game with him/her... make it interesting! asking for favorites is great too but they tend to be on earlier, before you ask them for a date... you know common way before you ask people out here... facebook, myspace, friends of a friend... I'm not saying that is the way, but I'm talking about here, our country, my country :)
Why don't you try impress him/her a little bit with sharing your ambitions and goals, but not too much because it might show you're nothing but a dreamer and showed off or even a liar! Try this "I'm thinking about do some business, a restaurant maybe" make it sounds nice and not cocky! don't try "I'm thinking about do some business, a multimillion dollar empire maybe" while you can't even afford to but a C class Mercedes... make it logical buddy!
Don't forget to make some jokes... not too much... how do you know to tell the right amount of jokes? its up to you buddy! girls do tend to like guys with jokes and so do guys like girls with jokes... but like i said... beware... too much jokes and you'll become friends not potentials aite!
The rest it should come naturally! trust me because the moment you started to feel comfortable with him/her, you'll realized what him/her really interest in... if she/he is a gold digger, you will know... but beware of tricks under sleeves as nowadays most people are exposed to dating and flirting tips... What i gave in this post might be useful or useless and i totally write it from out of my mind! sorry if u find this is nothing but full of crap peace!
relationsip status: in a relationship? its complicated? engaged? married?

Instead of writing about a person which i hate or which i love, i prefer to write generally... from the eyes of this smoker... I've been in few relationship and still did not understand it, what does a partner want from the other? Is it the security? financially? love? or lust..? I often believed that every time i dated a new girl, and we're in a relationship... in my heart I'm gonna say that "she's the one" without second thoughts... why? i mean come on... i believe its not just me who think that way... most people in relationship must be thinking this way, which "you jump, i jump", "till death do us part" bullshit... or maybe i didn't met with one yet...
This is what i want to talk about... how do we know if he/she is the one? for me... The girl i want to marry is when i felt... she's the first one i want to see in the morning, she is the one i want to spent my life with, she is the one i would die for and blah..blah..blah.. but there's a thing, i don't want to get married in a year or two so that is why i don't want to have serious relationship, because serious relationship is suppose to be naturally, it take time and not planned! because most people said it in the very beginning of a relationship, "i want to get serious with her/him" or "this is it" without even know him or her truly... (this is what i saw)...
My point is... "jodoh di tangan Allah!" so no need to rush things up, plus... what a relationship is without surprise... it must go naturally like at first we like each other, we dating, if it is failed say goodbye! if it is success go on to next level! there is your surprise people.. because we never knew what to expect from a relationship... when we're at dating process, try to know him/her likes and dislike but make sure they know yours too! we gotta be selfish sometime people!
But... there's a but! some people never know why we dump a person... they only think we are playa/mean/jerk haha... (however this is true sometime) maybe they just can't take that they are not meant to be together and for me if that girl is not right for me... i dump her! not for showing off that i can get another girl or something but it is for my self... for the sake of ME! (^_^)...
After the break up, moving on is the next part of relationship... for me moving on is not getting a new girl as soon as possible just to show it off to your ex! its the way u handle the break up... most of the person who got dumped might think, "oh he/she dumped me... he/she must got someone else!" why must you think of that way? in some occasions yes! but there other reason... might be " you sucks!" haha... kidding! maybe it is better that way...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
"Aww... abg ni gagah dan berani" haha.. mungkin ini yang tersirat dalam pemikiran sang jejaka apabila berjaya menunjuk taringnya dihadapan gadis... oh tidak!!! atau mungkin benar ada sang gadis yang berfikiran cmtu? hmm... susah gak nak ditentukan... berbalik pada sang jejaka tadi.. setelah berjaya menghalang dari sang durjana lain yang cuba memandang, menegur, mengurat atau apa-apalah... pasti perasaan bangga menerpa ke setiap pelusuk jiwa dan raga beliau... walaupun kekadang tu, lelaki lain tu tak berniat pun nak menggatal sebab mereka sekadar berkawan dan mereka saling kenal sebelum kau kenal sang gadis ni tadi... relax brother!!! Benda macam ni banyak kali terjadi dalam hidup tak kira lelaki atau perempuan, tapi banyak jadi sesama lelaki la aku rase... sikap "over protective" mungkin disebabkan rasa terancam atau ego tak bertempat dan akhirnya mengancam orang lain... sebab aku pernah tengok sesama kawan berlaku hal-hal macam ni, bayang kan kalau bukan kawan pulak... mau mati mamat yang tegur tu... tapi hati-hati! bukan semua kurang kuat dari anda... cuba atasi dengan berfikiran terbuka, andaikata memang si durjana itu cuba mengurat gadis anda, pada aku, biarkan aje dan tengok sejauh mana gadis anda ini berurusan dengan si durjana ini tadi... dari situ kita tau sejauh mana si gadis ini mahukan anda... dan tahu lah anda sejauh mana taat setia beliau... sebab kalau si durjana ni sibuk mengurat gadis anda dan anda sibuk nak "declare" perang dan tunjuk samseng tapi "last-last" si gadis ini memilih si durjana tadi.. anda gak yang mnjawab... dan kena gelak dgn kwn2 (sumpah aku gelak) tapi fahamilah apa yang aku cuba sampaikan, selagi si durjana tidak melampaui batas... bertenang bro! awek tu anda yang punya... tak nak org tegur/senyum/pandang... kasi simpan dia kat rumah! Oo.. lupa pulak die AWEK anda, bukan ISTERI!!!
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