<<< i really laugh out loud when i see this kind of picture!!! and if there is no law, i would love to cut it out your chest and yelled "as your wish!"
Hmm... before i start writing about this article, i would like to recall that i never write in a focus of one person, its just stuff that i think happens around us or accurately me. I'm not being sexism, racism, judgmental, or anything just like to write(well... maybe I'm pointing at certain person a lil' bit)
Hey, what do you really know about guys? is it the lying part? the sex part? the we-are-always-the-bad-man part? i know guys are mean sometime, and lie, and cheating, but most of it involve bad stuff especially when you got vengeance for man as you got dumped, cheated by boyfriend, maybe abused by man... And yes man are bad!(satisfied?)
But! did you ever wonder, why most of us act that way sometimes, or even always act that way to you? have you ever thought that way? well if you did, you might be the smartest women i ever know. Because to be honest, i didn't see that coming from girls! They said they know man, but still get ended up hurt, sucker, or whatever! so why did you say you know man? now that my friends... you're not know man! you just comforting your self by giving the most pathetic compliments to make yourself comfortable and winning the NOTHING!
As an example, you said that man are lying, so what? girls don't do that? not even a tiny one? still LYING! and secondly, you might said..."i JUST want a guy who LOVE me as i am" BULLSHIT!!! if that so, why don't you have a relationship with psychopath because I'm telling you they are damn straight-to-the-point! if you're ugly, they tell you, if you're make them angry, they beat you up! simple... don't you wanna faithful-man-which-never-cheat-on-me, or they-love-me-for-who-i-am. No you can't can you?
What i see is, girls don't really know what they want actually, secondly they don't wanna admit this and thirdly they will totally deny those first two. They would like a guy with sensitivity, a great listener when she want to say things or even cry with her when she is sad. But in the same time they want a strong guy who can lead and never fall-a-tear when things are down and depressing. A tower of emotional ability, but strong knight in the shining armor, wise, a-walking-bank-account, and a tiger in bed.
What i mean is, nobody is perfect! look at you, you might be angry reading this but if you're with a man now, you don't have to wasting your time reading this as in you are grown enough and mature enough to have a relationship. You gotta learn that if a man left you, its mean you! something is wrong with you and stop blaming on one sided because we don't care! we spent our time laughing and make jokes with friends while you having the how-could-he-did-this-to-me moments at home. A tiger wont eat until they were hungry if you know what i mean... You gotta feed them, and they'll be the protector, the guardian because man don't operate like girls, we are easy! We lie because we bored(you are not hot enough), we dump because you sucks, and we eat because we hungry.
p/s ohh.. i suck! i know... ;(
nobodys perfect.
ReplyDeletegirls got their own mistake, as guys did.
so, to find someone perfect for u is , not that easy.
you cant blame girls, as a total sucks.
if there are no girls in this world, whom will you fuck at the first night>?
aku dah mengarut dah ni.
u just said nobody is perfect but yet, u said to find someone perfect of me is not that easy... pelik tuh... hahaha... lek r jaja... aku tulis sbb aku prasan, zaman skrg ni... bdk pmpuan byk yg mengaku hebat pasal lelaki, btol x? tapi selalu gak end up kene kencing, kene dump, beb maksud aku pmpuan skang da x mcm pmpuan sgt r... nak tunjuk jiwa keras sedangkan jiwa sorang pmpuan tetap lembut, walau keras mana skali pun lagak diorang... but this not for you la brader! hahaha
ReplyDeletehahaha. tahu2. aku tahu utk saapa entry neh.
cheers! :D
kalau terkena sikit2 tu x tau la... tp aku mmg xde nak target sape2...
ReplyDelete"love-me-for-who-i-am" ---> nice....^^v