Friday, December 25, 2009

paw-li-tick dan racisme

title x nak kalah...
nak gak ade iras2 bahase omputih
ape yg sebenarnya aku nak letak adalah politik
aku harap aku tak memberatkan mana2 pihak
ptg semalam aku pegi masjid utk solat jumaat
aku mendengar khutbah, yg pada mulanya x khusyu' pun dnga
smpai la satu tahap dimana ade membincangkan tentang perpaduan dan kepimpinan
hmm.... semenjak ade nye kempen 1 Malaysia
kempen ni bagus... serius shit!
bagi mengelakkan kejadian2 mcm 13 mei 1969 di mana berlaku riot antara kaum

kejadian2 mcm ni x skali2 bagi keuntungan kat sape2
malah ade yg ilang nyawa
ape korang rase kalau abg/adik/bapak mati dlm hal2 mcm ni
mungkin ada yg kate jihad, tp byk lg cara nak berjihad
bt ape nak bergaduh sdangkan dlm 1 negara
esok luse ntah anak diorang bkahwin same sndiri kan da payah an an an???
tp itu sejarah...

kata org tue2
sejarah mengajar, tp soalnya.... belajarke kite???
smpai skrg aku msih dnga pergaduhan disbbkan perbezaan parti politik
bkn aku buat2 x paham
smua duit dgn kuasa punya hal la... apa lg???
padahal bendera sama warne cume lain ton ngan logo je
kalau tgk berita yg bgaduh ni bdk2 skolah
aku x menggeleng kpale atau pelik, sbb da biase
sape x rase bgaduh time skola an an an???
ni org tua2! level2 bapak2 mungkin atuk2 org pun ade...
yg sini kata sana amek rasuah
yg sana kata sini amek rasuah
jd.. sapa yg x amek rasuah??? aku gak!

antara kata kiasan bg politik adalah dlm bahasa penulisan seni
adalah lautan yg mmbawa maksud sentiasa bergelora
terus trang aku sbnarnya pro kerajaan
bkn sekadar nak elak kne ISA tp mmg aku dididik supaya menghargai!
wahai bangsaku, bersatulah kita hendaknya!
jgn jd perosak bangsa, batu api, gunting dlm lipatan dan ape2 gak la... aku gunting ape yg boleh kang bru hang tau! haha...
ade pic kat atas nu... x tau la korang bleh bace ke x an... tp ade la mangkuk haram jadah berbangsa bkn melayu yg berani panggil melayu babi... jgn melenting, jgn mengamuk, tp amek iktibar yg mereka ni pandang rendah kat kite! jd naik kan nama bangsa dgn memajukan, menyatukan, dan hilangkan sifat hasad dengki sesama kaum sendiri!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To all girls i've loved before

To all the girls I've loved before
Who travelled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls I once caressed
And may I say I've held the best
For helping me to grow
I owe a lot I know
To all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the girls who shared my life
Who now are someone else's wi'ves
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls who cared for me
Who filled my nights with ecstasy
They li've within my heart
I'll always be a part
Of all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the girls i've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls i've loved before

To all the girls i've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls i've loved before

Saturday, December 12, 2009


skrg ni aku perasan byk gler pak/mak arab, pak/mak itam kat tanah air nih...
gler bersepah! da kalah indon ngan bangla da!
paling ketara mmg diorang bwk kereta cam taik, cam cibai, cam lakhanat
dan bajet samseng kat sini (anda stuju?)
mentang2 la tgn diorang lg besau dr tgn aku (goyang gak bai!)
nak ajak begaduh mmg kalah la... srupa soh team selangor lwn real madrid hahaha...

bkn niat nak racist
ni mnunjukkan Malaysia org luar da mula pandang...
kalau x, x kan diorang nak mai sini (btoi x?)
tp bak kata org... byk kepala byk ragam dia...
ssh nak kate...

jantan2 arab dan pak itam pilihan awek melayu?

mentang2 la senjata diorang besau lengan...
laki melayu ape kelas???
aku pnah dnga la kwn aku cerita...
mangkuk2 luar ni pnah ckp "malay girl is cheap and easy"
bkn sorang due cite... mmg bersepah2 la...
aku pun bkawan ngan foreigner gak...
tabur sket janji manis, duit, muke hensem cam shah rukh khan...
and they are urs...
come on la... kalau diorang chow blk padang pasir korang tinggal ape je..
tp camne pun good luck la!
aku perasan mende ni... tp nak wat cmne kan kan kan???
awek2 ni slambe ckp... diorang ni gentlemen, caring dan blah..blah..blah...
mane x caring... ringgit malaysia tebal kan kan kan?
jantan melayu x gentlemen... aku agak stuju gak yg tu hahahaha...

aku terus trang aku mnyampah gak ngan pak arab2 ni..
mane yg ok ngan aku... aku ok je
aku respect blk, tp mane yg kuang ajo mmg aku pikir nak prap prap je...
tp tulang diorang lg tebal dan keras kot
mane x nye...
nasi sebaldi kambing sekor...
mmg la keras hahahahaha
tang bwk kerata mmg samseng jalanan...
kalau aku bwk kereta kebal mmg sedara diroang kne bace talkin la mlm tu...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

more bout me...

since i've started wrote in my own blog
i've never actually tell bout me
maybe not much just my thoughts not my bio
start wit my name
Wan Mohamad Hafiz bin Mohamad Saat(not from kelantan!)(never mean to be racist)
born on february 1988
weight 80 kg
height u/k
and blah...blah...blah...

many people asked... why abdul hafiz greene?
i asked "its simple... some people used joe,john,roy i used greene!
haha... if they ask more.. i answered...'sukati gua la'
byk tnye gua kasi prap..prap..! haha (jokin)
oppp... if u noticed, almost all of my posts were in english
gonna change now...

bahasa ibunda tercinta
aku bkn ape sje je nak practice blk bahasa penjajah ni
snang sket idup sbb ape2 pun skang smue pakai english
jd aku try la sket2 kan mane tau boleh power!
aku ni sempoi(aku rase la)
aku suke berkawan dan suke ramai kawan dan kalau boleh tak nak ade musuh langsung
tp org kate ramai kawan, ramai la musuh! ada btol?

satu pantang aku... ckp gah giler bab*, mendongak langit x agak!
kalau mmg btol ape yg die cite kire boleh la terima even telinga bingit
ni kalau bercerita yg jauh panggang dari babi(jauh panggang dr api)
sbb aku da ramai gak knal manusia2 camni... bikin gua panas telinga
tp redha je la kan kan kan???
tp next time nak lpak skali tu... berat sket la bro!
kasi ubah prangai dlu bru cari gua ok?

prangai nonsense tp bajet innocent
ni satu hal lg...
dgn konfidennye mngatakan 'saya budak baik'
seseorang pernah berpesan 'gangster x yah cite die gangster, baik x yah cerita'
buat apa jd ayam... telo sebijik kecoh satu kampung, bia jd ubi diam2 berisi
tu pun kalau stuju la kan kan kan???

nak kate aku jenis x pdulik ape org kate... x gak
kkadang berdesing gak telinga bile org lbih2
bile org tegor tu malu pun ade gak, sbb sedar diri wat salah
aku ade ego yg tinggi, tp aku boleh mengawal sbb aku jenis sedar diri punya org kot...(kot la)
tu korang yg judge k!

aku bkn jenis dr kluarga yg kaye, nak kate sederhana tu boleh la kot...
pastu lak jenis boros, dan suke blanje kwn2 bile ade duit
nsb baik membe2 blanje aku blk bile aku tgh kering
haha... tu la name nsb kan.. kkadang ade turun naik
so standard la ble2 ade time kte rase susah dan byk masalah
yg xde masalah ni org gile je... so kalau korang rase org lain lg bahagia dr korang
korang salah la!!!

so far skang aku happy ngan kwn2 baik aku...
bia aku try list kan smue arel, omar, hazwan, blur, breeze, bun, lan, alip, bangchik, belle, james...
aaahhhh... byk gak... memandangkan da pkl 5.38 pg kan... paham2 la otak da lagged cmne
tp aku happy berkawan dgn diorang smue... sbb aku paham diorang dan diorang paham aku
diorang x pandang kebendaan, status, dan x menyamar...
tu yg penting

years past me by....

as the world keep on spinnin'
i gain my age
from 0 to 21 and so on
lots of thing i saw in this climb
from the greatest to worst
from the rises to falls

from the eyes of this smoker
lot of sins i've done
maybe a lil bit of good deeds
which god might take note
fall in love and break apart (naaaahh...)
hope to die(nevaaaaa) and proud to live(owyeaahh!!)

born in 1988 and died... (unknown)
grew up in a city called SAC (Shah Alam City)
missed a country live
tasted a sweetness of life called "the kampung boy"
which a lot of town peeps didn't try
its cool peoples!

from jumped out in 'parit'
till jumped in the club
which one is real dirty?
rarely heard of people died bcoz of bacteria in 'parit'
than died in club bcoz of OD of drugs
but i'll follow the flow where my age go

once i reach certain age
i'll settle down as people did
what can i say... i'm a human too
so i did what people did

time really changed
the world and humanity
but never change one thing in your life
be the real you!
do i need to tell you what and what?

here it is...
if u're not a junkie... don't be!
if u're not a drinker.. don't be!
if u're not a hound dog don't be!
better that way! aite'
the rest think of it urself
im not ur dad or 'ustaz' to preach
just sharing my thoughts and might correct myself too...

Friday, November 20, 2009

love is blind?

i said it blinds you,
how to explain?
need a transcript?
why not try it yourself..
first one is the hardest
second one could make u down
third make u wanna kill
after that
its lumrah alam...

kenapa bercinta jika kesudahan pasrah?
kerna bila dilamun indah tak terkata
promises and promises keep said
how was it worked?
easy as 1,2,3,4
1. make em comfortable on you
2. give them promises
3. get what u want
4. freak some more??? nope! hell no... just get out of the system!

thats how i was hurt!
as easy as basic numeric unit
even a 12 yrs kid can do!
(like one of the advertisement on TV)

i'm not complaining to anyone
just love to write sumthing sometimes
maybe bcoz this blogging stuff still new to me
i guest...
well i'm no money with promisses
no good compared to money with promisses aite'
but can u believe the promisses
fo sho' bro!
u've blinded by the love thingy
correct me if i'm wrong
be my blog follower aite'

First time doing this blogging things, weird though... feels like own a diary which i never had one, just posted my writing on it tittled "empty frame" which i wrote quite a long time ago... hey, by the way, my real name is wan mohamad hafiz not with the greene thing... maybe i'm gonna write on this blog a lot or maybe a little, depends on how my mood on writing... aite'

Empty frame

Empty frame...

It's raining outside
a strange cold inside
at first i didn't noticed
but it came slowly to me
i saw a frame
an empty frame
as i'm staring at it
wondering why does it empty
even the frame is beautiful
made of crystal
or maybe just a cheap glass
its hard to deffer those two
unless u're the maker
but u're not...

i ask again..
why does it empty?
is it my fault? not!
i didn't place a picture on it
why not?
its a damn nice frame
or maybe i didn't noticed the frame
or maybe i don't care about the frame
did i?
too much question...
so i check on photo album
maybe there a picture i can put on it
its a picture of me
standing alone...
i tried to put on the frame with care
with passion, with hope
it might be a decoration
to fill in empty space inside me
then i looked at it

why it doesn't feel right
it doesn't look right
how come???
is it the frame too expensive?
a picture of me made the frame look dull
never heard of it!!!
totally bullshit...
maybe the frame itself not so beautiful as it seen
look clean and nice at first
but it just a piece of cold glass and not crystal
might be from the recycle glass
too bad...

pretty things simply cheated me
with shine n glow on first impression
who doesn't....?